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About us


LAKMA - a Polish company with  30 years of experience on the Polish and foreign markets. Thanks to many years of experience, a high level of specialisation and rapid development the company operates in the following sectors:
- LAKMA STREFA:  Household chemicals  and Professional Chemicals,
- LAKMA SAT: B2B construction chemicals industry, Construction ChemicalsInsulating systems.



LAKMA's dynamic expansion places it among the leaders on the Polish and international sales markets. Our passion for new technologies and products has a positive influence on every aspect of the business, we pay particular attention to sustainable development. A modern machinery park, high-tech equipped laboratory and top quality raw materials guarantee as highest as possible quality of products.



Innovation, quality and the environment are the pillars of sustainable development in providing safe and effective products.  The priority of top quality achievement and the environmental considerations are inextricably interlinked . Such crucial balance is assured by the research and implementation laboratory.



What would our passion be without people? LAKMA means People and passion. LAKAMA also is extremely professional and unique in customer service. Due to professional attitude towards cooperation, flexibility and open-minded in negotiations with our business partners and also due to ability of fast respond to market trends and requirements we can cooperate with every country all over the world.



LAKMA owns a fully automated finished product warehouse, one of the largest in Poland. Such modern warehouse of 4500m2 storage space guarantee reliability and prompt deliveries to our customers. Professional customer service we  consider as crucial element of companies core value on each country market.





LAKMA is our passion for creating “tailored” products

LAKMA is our passion.